photo: Ion David

Pedagogical Tourism

Field Trips: Learning, Fun, Safe

Does your school:

  • Has interdisciplinary work?
  • Provides new challenges for students?
  • Believes that students should interact with their living environment?
  • Is concerned with the environment and sustainability?
  • Supports ludic activities providing wellness for students?
  • Seeks a package of fun, interaction and safety?


photo: Ion David

Environmental studies tourism, also known as Pedagogical Tourism, has its goal set in transporting theoretical knowledge gathered inside the classrooms to reality, so students can experience what was taught.

Getting out of the classroom and school environment to explore the exuberant Nature of the Chapada dos Veadeiros is a great option to educate and motivate students. We are talking about a very well preserved Cerrado region, rich in fauna, flora, geographical and geological formations, hydrographic basins, not to mention historical, social and cultural richness. All of it in the heartland of Brazil, about 230km from the nation’s capital, Brasilia.

Travessia Ecotourism has an experienced and specialized team, with great expertise in school field trips, that will take care of each detail, from the itinerary development focusing on school and students profile and trip purpose to all operations involved with procedures tailored to have a fun and safe trip for students and teachers all along.

We offer everything: Transportation (buses and executive vans), rooming (Pousadas or camping), meals, tour guides, adventure activities, cultural events, lectures, and all else needed.

Much more than a simple trip, pedagogical tourism generates a social, economical, and cultural circle of relationships all intertwined. Promoting interaction between all parties involved, amplifying and enriching the ways of thinking and acting, and developing values like citizenship and solidarity.

In terms of interdisciplinarity, there is no better technique than field studies, because students have the opportunity to see everything as a whole and not separate. In direct connection with natural, historical, social and cultural resources, students grasp and question countless situations lived outside the school environment. And this is exactly what modern education proposes, since it demands new scenarios and experiences aiming for a full human being formation.

Important to mention these trips have three levels of the educational process. They are: Before the trip, where the curiosity over the places to be visited is fomented; The trip itself, which provides that integration with the environment and a more refined knowledge about the specifics; After the trip, where information exchange between all participants take place and gives an opportunity for the learning continuation.

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Oferecemos viagens personalizadas de acordo com a necessidade da escola, garantindo desta forma, qualidade, segurança e satisfação. Oferecemos toda infra estrutura necessária, tais como: transporte, hospedagem (em pousada e/ou camping), alimentação, guias, passeios, atividades de aventura, atrações culturais entre outros.

Imagine proporcionar aos alunos um acampamento, com conforto e toda infra estrutura necessária, realizando durante o dia atividades de ecoturismo, caminhadas, banhos de cachoeiras, atividades de aventura e culturais.

Our packages are tailored, with well planned outdoor activities, in accordance with expectations.

photo: Ion David
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