photo: Ion David

Corporate Tourism

Outdoor Training - Ecotourism - Integration - Culture - Wellness - Adventure Activities

Does your company:

  • Values employees?
  • Encourages teamwork?
  • Invests in professional and personal qualifications?
  • Provides new challenges?
  • Is concerned with the environment and sustainability?
  • Encourages playful activities seeking everybody’s wellness?


photo: Ion David

Travessia Ecotourism has the experience in organizing, planning and producing corporate events at the Chapada dos Veadeiros.

These events have as main purpose the promotion of atypical situations where all participants are forced out of their office and city routines to a direct, unique, contact with Nature. Camping, hiking, adventure activities, experiences and local culture are some of the examples.

The activities function as learning ambiences, personal and group challenges to be dealt as part of the learning journey.

For participants, it is an opportunity to live an unique experience where they notice how much they use their skills.

The goal is to come out with a stronger team and conscious individuals, more self sufficient, responsible, supportive, and aware of the surrounding subtleties. Collective strength, the individuals, the team, and the organisation lay the foundations for success.

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Conheça alguns eventos de sucesso

  • Capital Radio
  • BCC – Breast Cancer Care
  • Brasil Telecom (Grupo Venturas & Aventuras)
  • Ponto Frio
  • Redi Mundi
  • ITAU Chapada dos Veadeiros (Grupo Venturas & Aventuras)
  • Expedição NISSAN

Entre Outros

We offer your company customized activities, guaranteeing quality, savings and satisfaction. We offer all you need: transportation, rooming, meals, guides, adventure activities, cultural initiatives and more.

Entre em contato conosco e proporcione momentos inesquecíveis a sua equipe!!!

photo: Ion David
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