Our work is our life philosophy. We always seek to provide our customers the very same authentic and unforgettable experiences we would like to have. With the same touch and care, we look to provide fair work opportunities for local communities and sustainable development in regions that would struggle in alternatives if it was not for Ecotourism.
The Travessia Team is made of people who decided to live in Alto Paraiso in search of life quality in touch with Nature.
Get to know the people behind our success!

Community-Based Tourism Technician, Photographer, Canyoner, Managing Partner of Travessia Ecoturismo - The pioneering company in various tourism of adventure modalities in the Chapada dos Veadeiros, such as: Canyoning, Canopy, Waterfall abseiling, Zip Lining, Trekking and 4x4 Expeditions.
ACVCV Member - ACVCV-Chapada dos Veadeiros Visitor’s Conductors Association. Also participating in the creation of the Search and Rescue Team, in 1998.
Develops social inclusion throughout the Chapada dos Veadeiros National Park’s surroundings through Ecotourism and Adventure Tourism activities.
Founding Member of the ABETA - Brazilian Ecotourism and Adventure Tourism Businesses Association. Participated in the study commissions that established the Vertical Techniques Product Norms, Vertical Techniques Procedures, Personal Competence Conductors, and SGS-Safety Management System.
Nowadays is also a ABNT NBR 15331 Safety Management System Norm Auditor and Consultant.

Managing Partner at Travessia Ecoturismo, is focused on Operations and overall logistics for the groups and packages.
Is also part of the Vertical Travessia Team (Canopy, Zip Lining, Abseiling), and is also part of the Canyoning Travessia team.
He is also an ACVCV associate conductor.

Business Development and Finance Manager at Travessia Ecoturismo, she is also Administration and Commercial Manager for the SGS-Safety Management System.
Overall logistics support for solidarity tourism and school field trips.

photo: Ion David
Conductors & Travessia Vertical Team
Travessia has gathered in its team the most experienced Conductors in the Chapada dos Veadeiros, all of which accredited and certified by the ACVCV and SERVITUR Conductors Associations.
Our conductors are constantly trained in first aid and rescue, cartography, history, geology, hiking and vertical techniques, and more.
We have developed vertical activities at the Chapada dos Veadeiros since 1998. Exploring and registering waterfalls and canyons we have formed a unique database of our region’s full potential.
Part of Travessia Team of Conductors is a Travessia Vertical Conductor, participating in canopy, canyoning, abseiling, and zip lining activities.
We periodically train and simulate, complying with international safety protocols. We constantly update the technical quality of the work, raising safety during all activities.
Our Conductors are always ready to act quickly and responsibly when in an emergency, during itinerary changes due to weather conditions, or customer’s requests.
We use what is best in equipment. Regularly revised and tested.
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Meet our team of Conductors